Saturday, January 4, 2014

Day 19 & 20 London

 Last blog!

 This was the last day to enjoy London! We went to Big Ben and the London Eye during the day so I could see it during the day. After that we rushed to The World's End so I could have a drink there on my last night.

Luckily my flight was a good one on the way back, I was able to rest and reflect on my time in England. I fell in love with a new country and a little bit of my heart will always be there!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Day 18 London

Today our trip was to Dover, a small city on the southeast corner of England. When we arrived everything was quiet, and as we walked we could see the castle from mostly everywhere. Let me tell you, I definitely got a work out! We hand to go up a hill, then go up stairs just to arrive at the area, then in the actual castle, it was more stairs and hills. My legs still feel like jello!

One of the guys that came with us could not open the door to this place,
all he had to do was push, the customers inside were all laughing with us!

Oldest pub in Dover from the 1300's

We walked to the coast for a little, it was beautiful

They acted out King Henry II and his family :)

A little shoe shining in the throne room

What their closets would have looked like